Sermon Starters

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Christian Ministry Professionals

Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Series B

Option #1: "The Prophet's Roster"
Numbers 11:27-29
Rev. Wayne Dobratz, B.S., M.Div.

I. The Prophet Prophets--Gen 20:1ff.; Deut 18:15; 1 Sam 3:20; 2 Kings 5:8; Jer. 1:5

II. The People Prophets--text; Matt 9:37-38; Acts 2:17-19; 1 Cor 14:3-5, 24--a prophet testifies under the influence of the Spirit

Martin Luther: "What are all other gifts together compared to this gift, that the Spirit of God himself, the eternal God, comes down into our hearts, yea, into our bodies and dwells in us, rules, guides, leads us!"

Richard Lenski: "The Spirit who came upon a few disciples at Pentecost has filled others of all languages in all lands the world over and is still extending his activity to more of them. ...The Spirit, now that redemption was accomplished, went out to all people and extended the Church to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) and symbolized this at Pentecost by letting the disciples speak in many languages."

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When I was in school, we had to take vocabulary tests. Do you still do that? The teacher wants to know if you know the meaning of certain words. Let’s see if you know this one: PROPHET. What is a prophet? (Allow for answers.) Most people think that a prophet foretells the future. But that’s not his main job. A prophet speaks God’s Word. No, not the way that a pastor does. And not the way that Moses did and Isaiah did. But we share the truths they taught.

Now don’t tell me that you can’t do this. Ever tell a friend about your favorite radio station? What’s your favorite pizza place? I’ll bet your parents and grandparents know good places to eat fish on Friday and tell their friends about them.

When you study God’s Word, you are better prepared to share it with people who still don’t know Jesus. Yes, tell your friends about a great place to eat. But don’t forget to tell them about Jesus, who loved us so much that he died for our sins. After all, he is the Bread of Life.


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Option #2: "Humble Pi=3.3333333"
James 4:7-12 [13-5:6] 
Rev. Kelly Bedard, B.A., M.Div.
Point: A the most free lord of all, and subject to none, a the most dutiful servant of all, and subject to everyone (Martin Luther)--most of all to God. 
Problem: We resist God and His plans (Law), giving the devil free reign, and so become judge, doubter, and supposed self-sufficient lords of our lives. (Adapted from Joel Biermann)
Promise: Because Jesus humbled Himself before God and on our behalf, becoming poor so that we might become rich, we are lifted up for service in His name and for the sake of others.
1. Grace and pride are eternal enemies. Pride demands that God bless me in light of my merits, whether real or imagined. But grace will not deal with me on the basis of anything in me, good or bad, but only on the basis of who God is... It isn’t as if our humility earns the grace of God. Humility merely puts us in a position to receive the gift He freely gives. (David Guzik)
2.An elderly couple drove down the road in their car with a front bench seat. As they drove, the wife noticed that in many of the other cars with couples in the front seat, the woman sat close to the man as he drove. She aksed her husband, “Why is it that we don’t sit that close anymore?” He simply answered, “It wasn’t me who moved!” If we are far from God, He hasn’t moved. However, God through the Holy Spirit empowers us to move back closer to Him. We can do nothing in and of ourselves except move farther and farther away from Him.
3.James will not discourage us from planning and doing, only from planning and doing apart from a reliance on God. (David Guzik)
4. It's been said that most of us rank among the top 8% in the world as regards wealth. James is talking to us!


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