Sermon Starters

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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

Advent II --- Series C

Option A: From Rev. Kelly Bedard

"Filled to the Rim With Him!"
Philippians 1:3-11

A. Good works are always commenced by God

B. Good works are always continued by God

C. Good works are always completed by God


 1. "Knowledge" (verse 9): used in the NT of the knowledge of things both ethical and divine

 2. "Judgment" (ibid): perception, not only by the senses but by the intellect; cognition, discernment; of moral discernment in ethical matters

 3. "Sincere" (verse 10): found pure when unfolded and examined by the sun's light

 4. "Without offense" (ibid): not leading others to sin by one's mode of life; not troubled by a consciousness of sin

 5. "Filled" (verse 11): to carry through to the end, to accomplish, carry out

 6. "Paul knew the danger of a 'sloppy agape'; he rebuked the Corinthian church who seemed to glory in their 'love' and 'openness' which lacked any sense of knowledge and discernment" (1 Corinthians 1:5-7) (Ray Stedman)

 7. "When we approve and receive the things that are excellent, we become sincere (inner righteousness) and without offense (outer righteousness)" (ibid)

 8. "Sincerity is important, but alone it is not enough (the tax collectors of Jesus' day were sincere); as well, being without offense is important, but alone it is not enough (the Pharisees of Jesus' day were without offense); we must be both sincere and without offense" (ibid)

 9. "The work of becoming sincere and without offense is really God's work within us; it our being filled with the fruits of righteousness" (ibid)

10. "Bearing fruit is always the result of abiding in Jesus (John 15:4-6); as we abide in Him, we receive the life and nutrients we need to naturally bear fruit for His glory" (ibid)

11. "Christianity is a vigorous plant, not the hotbed growth of enthusiasm" (A. R. Faussett)

Kelly Bedard, B.A., M.Div.

Option B: From Rev. Wayne Dobratz

"Joyful, Even In Chains!"
Philippians 1:3-11

Introduction: Philippians is known as "the letter of Christian joy." It is
also one of the "Captivity Letters." It was bad enough in those days to be
in jail, but the jails then were nothing like our jails. Worse yet, the
prisoner was often chained to a wall, hand and foot. And still, Paul the

I. Joyful Prayer--vv.3-4
A. Knowing that God is in control--
   1. Prayer assumes that God is all-powerful
   2. Prayer assumes that God is willing to help--v.3
   3. Prayer thanks God for His care and keeping
B. Knowing that He works out everything for good--Rom. 8:28 passim.
C. Knowing it will all have a happy ending,

II. As a Partner in the Gospel
A. In God's grace in sending Jesus as our Savior--v. 5-6, Titus 3:4-7
     1. He will purify God's Servants--Mal. 3:1-4;
     2. Lk. 3:4-6
B. Knowing that Jesus' return will set everything straight--
text v.6; also 2 Tim. 1:12, Ps. 96:10-13,  Luke 4:18-21, John 5:26-29, Acts
10:42-43, 2 Tim. 4:8.

III. Until then...
A. Defend & Confirming the Gospel --v. 7, also Gal. 2:11,
Phil. 1:27, Jude 3
B. Grow in the knowledge of God's truth--v.9, Eph. 4:11-15
D. Know right from wrong--v.10, 1 Cor. 2:14, Heb. 5:14
E. Bear the fruit of righteousness to God's glory--v.11, Matt. 3:8, John
15:16, Col. 1:10, Eph. 5:9, James 3:17.

Matthew Henry writes: "The highest honor of ministers is, to be servants of
Christ. And those who are not really saints on earth, never will be saints
in heaven. Outside of Christ, the best saints are sinners, and unable to
stand before God. 

There is no peace without grace. Inward peace springs from a sense of Divine favor. And there is no grace and peace but from God our Father, the fountain and origin of all blessings. At Philippi the apostle saw little fruit of his labor; yet he remembers Philippi with joy. We must thank our God for the graces and comforts, gifts and usefulness of others, as we receive the benefit, and God receives the glory. 

The work of grace will never be perfected till the day of Jesus Christ, the day of his
appearance. But we may always be confident God will perform his good work,
in every soul wherein he has really begun it by regeneration; though we must not trust in outward appearances, nor in any thing but a new creation to holiness."

The Bible Knowledge Commentary explains:
"The Philippian saints and Paul were partners in the things of Christ. This was true because they shared with him in his need. They gave of themselves to Paul and in turn to the cause of Christ for which he labored. But not only did they share with him in his need as a prisoner. They had also fellowshipped with him from the first day they trusted Christ. 

This brought great joy to the apostle's heart. Great confidence gripped the apostle as he thought and prayed for the Philippians. The perfect tense of the Greek word translated being confident indicates that Paul had come to a settled conviction earlier and that he still was confident it was true. What was he so confident and sure of? It was that God would most certainly continue on to completion the good work He had begun in them. That good work was their salvation. It may also have
included their fellowship and sharing of their bounties with Paul. 

Paul had no doubt that God would continue in the Philippians what He had begun to do in them. God would work in them until the day of Christ Jesus. In 2:16 Paul called this "the day of Christ." Though Paul did not know when that day would occur-when all believers would be caught up to meet the Lord in the air-he did know that God would continue the work He had begun in His own children."

Rev. Wayne Dobratz, B.S., M.Div.

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